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Planned Parenthood, AUL

Unsafe details horrific abortion facility conditions, documenting that 227 facilities in 32 states were cited for more than 1,400 health and safety deficiencies between 2008 and 2016, including hundreds of significant violations of state laws regulating abortion facilities.

Traditional Catholicism

From the Pastor: 50 Year Anniversary of Novus Ordo!
Bulletin article, December 1

Poems to Ponder, Doughtrill Cezair

Speak Up, Speak Out, and Speak the Truth
Abortion is Murder
And it's no doubt at the root
Of all of our modern human disasters....

Doughtrill Cezair, Poems to Ponder

The Ignatian Solidarity Network has received a generous grant from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) Strategic National Grant Program. The $750,000 grant, to be used over three years, will enable ISN to further the Catholic Church’s commitment to the justice and dignity of immigrants by expanding the mobilization of the Ignatian network and the larger Church.

Speaking the Truth, Doughtrill Cezair
Sex Education, California, gender

Is this what we want throughout our nation?  "Christian Edwards, a parent who lives in Murrieta said, 'I came out to support parents who don’t want to be forced to vaccinate their children and to fight back against the schools allowing minors to leave campus to have abortions or hormone therapy.'"

Voicing disapproval from behind a computer or cell phone on social media just doesn’t cut it anymore, especially with social media censoring dissenting voices more and more these days.

Sex Education
USCCB, CCHD, Traditional Catholicism

Last week's abysmal mess of a "bishops' meeting" in Baltimore should have given you ample reason to boycott any national collection by the USCCB.  In fact, reasons to boycott the CCHD collection have always proliferated.  Yet now even more scandal is brought to light.

This show exposes the truth behind the founders of the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, which was intimately linked with Saul Alinsky, the father of community organizing and a supporter of birth control and abortion. Michael tackles the connection between the fundraising arms of the American Church and leftist advocacy groups.

Sex Education, gender

As of October 31, 2017, fifteen Florida school districts have adopted a comprehensive health education policy that includes a requirement for comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education curriculum. These districts include: Alachua, Desoto, Franklin, Gadsden, Glades, Hendry, Hillsborough, Indian River, Leon, Liberty, Martin, Monroe, Pasco, Polk, and Putnam. These policies include the following language.

The board requires evidence-based, medically accurate, age-appropriate, and comprehensive reproductive and sexual health education curriculum. This curriculum shall include information about:

Social Security Tax
abortion facts

Because the former Obama Administration failed to be transparent about abortion coverage, the Family Research Council (FRC) and Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) have done extensive research once again in 2019 to piece together as much information as they could for the consumer to make an informed choice about Obamacare insurance purchases. This information is available at

Catholic, Pro-Choice

Some people will claim that they are not for abortion…they are merely for “choice”. Let’s bring more clarity to the term “Pro-choice”. It is used because it implies an association with freedom and liberty. But it is a smoke-screen. It means “pro-abortion”. Now, someone could say, “No it doesn’t. It simply means that I do not think it is right to take away a woman’s right to choose what to do with her pregnancy”. Two things about that. First, the “what to do” only has to do with killing her baby. The “choice” is between allowing the baby to live and actively taking steps to end the child’s life. Second, “what to do with her pregnancy” is another misleading phrase.

Connect & Propel Tampa 2019 is a gathering that aims to engage the diverse community of Tampa to discover, dream, design, and deliver our best future together. Please fill out the following demographic information so we can ensure we are gathering diverse voices from all areas, sectors, industries, races, ages, levels of education, and all status from people without homes to philanthropist. We have a team of interviewers who would love to have the opportunity to hear your voice! You may also meet us on our Interview stops around Tampa, or you may choose to fill out the questions in this form. However you decide to interact, we thank you for your answers, opinions and ideas!

Lynch, Catholic Homosexual

Bishop Lynch’s poor track record in dealing with sexual scandal in his former diocese plus the presence of homosexual scandal in his own life had made him a curious choice to lead the retreat which aims to address the current turmoil, division, and darkness the Church now faces, brought about primarily by the presence of Catholic clergy who have been active homosexuals.

In the end, the diocese handed over nearly $6 million dollars to settle sexual harassment claims.  

Also, in Tampa Bay Times

Lynch, Catholic Homosexual

Note that Bishop Lynch does not say that “some Christians” or “some Catholics” target homosexuals for hate, but specifically that “it is religion, including our own..” that does so, which in this context can only mean the Catholic Church. Thus a bishop of the Catholic Church accuses his own religion of targeting homosexuals in such a way as to breed contempt for such people, which can lead to such violence.

Lynch, Catholic Homosexual

Bishop Lynch's reign has not only been sympathetic to homosexual rhetoric, but unsympathetic toward Tradition.

Bishop Lynch displaced a Latin Mass church in Sarasota, with reports stating there were "over 3,800 registered families, six Sunday Masses, and a parish school."

Legislative Update

A Florida appeals court reversed a ruling that declared a 24-hour waiting period for abortion unconstitutional, handing pro-life advocates a partial victory. 

Catholic, gender

 “Pride Parades” today encompass a much larger agenda than anti-discrimination. They’re largely funded by, supported by, attended by, the secular LGBT agenda. And while one sliver of what they’re standing for and pushing against in society is upholding the dignity of the person, which I would agree with, there’s a whole lot more that they’re pushing for that’s directly against my faith".

Conservative, Pope

o, some problems:

First, this is little else than high-minded-sounding wealth redistribution, a favorite dream of political liberals — remember the encounter between Obama and Joe the Plumber on the 2008 campaign trail.

Obama and liberals are all about taking the money of industrious hard workers and giving it to people who don't work hard or aren't as industrious — they call that "spreading the wealth."

Of course, Obama, Hillary and the 240,000 other Democrats running for president this year never include their own wealth in that equation; it's just your wealth that needs to be spread around.
