2024-Abortion Amendment

For more information or to schedule a presentation 


Collette - ColletteBurgess@protonmail.com 
Teresa-  EmbraceLife911@gmail.com  

727-328-1788 No texting options

Zoom Meetings-  Strategies, Talking Points & Community Messaging
June 18, Tuesday- Noon   https://zoom.us/j/93649075877

June 23, Sunday- 6:30 pm    Register Here and link will be sent

June 25, Tuesday, 5:00 pm    Register Here and link will be sent

More to come! 

If you want a zoom scheduled for your group please text or email!  

FLYER -Print and Distribute at church or other community meetings
Click on image to print one per page      Click here to print two per page- print landscape 

Slides:  Great for bulletin ads or social media
(click on to download and post or use for ads)  





Grassroots Marketing Business Educational Cards    Distribute stacks to friends then ask them give to friends to do the same- Educate people everywhere you go!  (We will mail cards or click on card the resolution is high enough to put on business cards.)



Back car window- Be prepared for many people honking, smiling and giving a thumbs up and other letting you know their IQ is 1.


  1. Ballot Initiative: 2024 Abortion Amendment The ballot initiative would add a new section to Article I of the Florida Constitution.  
    Limiting government interference with abortion.— Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. 
  2. Statutes:  390.01114 Parental Notice of and Consent for Abortion Act.—
  3. Constitution:  Article X, section 22- Parental notice of termination of a minor’s pregnancy.— 

4/27/24 Waiting for James Madison information

Ballotpedia:  (left leaning as it focuses on viability not the fact there are no guidelines)  Interesting read as it give a lot of information on financial support and opposition....

PowerPoint          PowerPoint- print with notes



Petition Stage:   How to Help Pro-Life Advocates Navigate Constitutional Amendment Petitions in Florida-  

DO NOT SIGN  2024 Petition:  Limit Government Interference with Abortion
(aka Abortion till Birth Amendment
LINK TO Petition Details - and to better understand the petition process  Petition Count