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2024 Amendment 4

In 2022, Florida began measuring gestational age from the last menstrual period rather from the estimated date of fertilization, as it did in previous years. Fertilization typically occurs approximately two weeks after the last menstrual period. Compared to 2022, in 2023, abortions in Florida were more often performed between seven and 14 weeks of gestation. 

2024 Election
2024 Voter

2024 Amendment 3, 2024 Amendment

Against legalizing marijuana: "People who want to vote for it, go to California, go to DC, go to New York, go to Colorado and see what it's done to their cities. And I think the tourism is going to plummet. Do we really want people riding rides and attending Disney World that are stoned? … I don't really pay attention to polls. I think if people pay too much attention to the polls, the 2016 election may have been very different than it was," said Teresa Miller.

2024 Amendment 4

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2024 Amendment 4, pro-life
2024 Amendment 4

Tell Congress to vote NO on HR 12 and S 701, the "Women's Health Protection Act."

2024 Amendment, 2024 Ballot Marijuana

On April 1st, The Florida Supreme Court announced that a proposed constitutional amendment (Initiative #22-05) to legalize marijuana’s recreational use will appear on November ballots (South Dakotans will also see it). 60% of voters have to say yes for this to pass. So far, 13 states have legalized marijuana for medical use and 24 states have done so for recreational use. But, given the statistics and lessons revealed over several years, was it a wise move?

2024 Amendment, 2024 Amendment 4

... the point at which the baby can survive out of the womb, generally understood to be around 24 weeks of pregnancy – or when deemed medically necessary by a physician.

This article is misleading-

  • the amendment wording is not deemed medically necessary but vague term "patient's health" i.e. broken arm, worried about weight gain, partner wants to keep the baby
  • IS NOT A Physician but healthcare provider... not even defined in Florida Statutes or Constitution 
Karen Pittman, 2024 Candidate

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Karen Pittman, 2024 Candidate

2024 Candidate, Magill

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2024, 2024 Ballot Marijuana

DeSantis said the marijuana legalization proposal goes beyond simple decriminalization and is “basically a license to have it anywhere you want.” He said enactment would mean “this state will start to smell like marijuana in our cities and towns,” which seems to be a particular concern for the governor, who has previously complained about the smell of cannabis in other jurisdictions.

Faith, Catholic
School Board
