Planned Parenthood

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Abortion-Provider Planned Parenthood Wants to Protect Life Through Gun Control

Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion provider in the United States, wants to protect life by working with gun-control groups that are helping the student survivors of the Feb. 14 shooting in Parkland, Fla., to organize a nationwide "#MarchForOurLives" this month.

Abortion. No Matter What. - The Planned Parenthood Project
Abortion. No Matter What. - The Planned Parenthood Project

Planned Parenthood (oxymoron) marketing plan.

Abortion: U.S. Taxpayers Fund It Here and Abroad

Roe v. Wade, which marks its 40th anniversary this week, created a host of new conflicts for life and conscience and did nothing to resolve cultural and political debates around the issue—including debates around the funding of abortion.

Each year, the federal government entangles taxpayers in the abortion business, and under Obamacare even more funds—private as well as public—will flow to abortion services.

Federal Funding of Planned Parenthood

Even though the organization boasts the title of the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood has ridden the waves of taxpayer funding to millions of dollars in annual surpluses. In 2011 alone, Planned Parenthood received over $542 million in taxpayer funding while performing a record 333,964 abortions. According to analysis by the...

Force Abortion, Lose Federal Funds
  • It’s been a problem since 2014. That’s when California’s health department started strong-arming employers into covering abortion on their insurance exchange.
  • “Wait just a second,” churches complained, “that’s a violation of federal law.” Under the Weldon Amendment, health care entities can’t be punished for refusing to cover abortion.
  • As Secretary Azar himself said, "We're a department that, like President Trump, is committed to protecting life from the moment of conception through natural death, which means, in my mind, we're the Department of Life." Like most Americans, this administration understands that abortion isn't health care. And we can think of no better way of celebrating the March for Life than making sure states know it!
Late-Term Abortion Activist Wendy Davis Has Traveled to 20 States Campaigning for Hillary Clinton

Trump and his pro-life vice presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, present a stark contrast on abortion to Clinton and her vice presidential running mate Tim Kaine, who also is pro-abortion.

The abortion industry has found its champion in Clinton.

Clinton promised to nominate U.S. Supreme Court justices who will ensure that Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand up until birth remain the law of the land for years to come.

Mayors Stand with Planned Parenthood

Mayoral races really are not bipartisan. "If a candidate doesn't respect the life of an innocent unborn child will they respect your life?"  Just think about it... Teresa

Planned Parenthood Percentages
Debunking Planned Parenthood's "3%" Abortion Myth

This video explains the real numbers behind Planned Parenthood statistics... the link is a short clip.  YouTube for the complete video.

Planned Parenthood: Baby-Killer CEO Not Bloodthirsty Enough, Gets Fired
SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change- BEWARE

BEWARE: The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (also known as SIECUS: Sex Ed for Social Change) develops and advocates for the adoption of left-of-center “comprehensive” sexual education curricula and opposes abstinence education and parental oversight of sex ed classes in K-12 schools.

The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States was founded in 1964 by sexual education activist Mary S. Calderone, then a medical director at the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, along with fellow activists Wallace Fulton, William Genne, Lester Kirkendall, Harold Lief, and Clark Vincent. [1]

Susan G. Komen Gives Million$ to Planned Parenthood

Disregarding decades of worldwide studies concluding there is a link between abortion and breast cancer, logic alone says abortion increases the risk.

But SGK is not backing away. Between 2003 and 2008, SGK gave $3 million to Planned Parenthood. In Fiscal Year 2008 alone, Planned Parenthood got $805,000 from SGK.

Go to link for more information.


The New Paganism and the War Against Life
  • How is it that so many of even our Cardinals, Vatican officials, bishops and priests are cowardly, tolerant, and almost completely silent regarding such absolutely despicable public evils as “legal” abortion and the deliberate killing of the weak, elderly and infirm?“Naturalism is more than a heresy: it is pure undiluted anti-Christianism.
  • Many men and women have joined the ranks of abortionists and “mercy killing” by an explicit choice to become followers of the devil. Others, however, have lost their way by default, or ignorance, or unbridled passions and/or through false loyalties: “My country, my race, my social class, my favorite leader, etc. – right or wrong!”
  • Let us not fall into the error of these men and women who, by their blameworthy ignorance or by their sinful inaction, will be condemned to hell for their indifference and betrayal. Remember, all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for “good” men to do nothing.
  • ...
There’s no such thing as a “late-term abortion”

A pregnancy is “full term” from 39-40 weeks, and “late term” at 41 weeks. Those are medical terms used by doctors. But anti-abortion rights activists use “late-term abortion” to describe abortions that happen at 15 or 20 weeks, or even earlier — deliberately equating an abortion halfway through pregnancy with a pregnancy ready for delivery. This isn’t an accident: It’s another lie they tell to scare people, spread misinformation, and shame pregnant people for the decisions we make about our own bodies. 

UnSafe Conditions

Unsafe details horrific abortion facility conditions, documenting that 227 facilities in 32 states were cited for more than 1,400 health and safety deficiencies between 2008 and 2016, including hundreds of significant violations of state laws regulating abortion facilities.

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