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Babylon Bee

"Trusted Source for Christian News"

Wikipedia Co-founder Warns: ‘Wikipedia Is More One-Sided Than Ever’

Wikipedia has 230,000 volunteer editors who work on crowdsourced articles and more than 3,500 “administrators” who can take actions such as blocking accounts or restricting edits on certain pages, according to a Reuters article.

CD Media

Honest • In-Depth • Revealing ...A Global Media Company

Church Militant

Trending News! The Truth

Daily Angel
Del Bigtree with The High Wire – Alternative Media Broadcast

Excellent Episodes on current topics... vaccines, masks, pandemic, covid...  previous podcasts available. 

Gabb Wireless

The Gabb Phones protects kids while keeping them connected to family and friends. It gives parents peace of mind because it doesn’t have the Internet, social media or games.

Hundreds of TV, radio and newspaper outlets profited from Biden’s $1 billion vaccine propaganda campaign

In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has revealed that it spent more than $1 billion in taxpayer dollars to buy advertising promoting the Covid vaccines from news outlets nationwide — the same media outlets which then provided favorable “news” coverage about the injections.

The FDA last week released 55,000 pages of data about the Pfizer clinical trials showing that these injections carry a mortality rate of up to 3 percent, and many more suffered harmful side effects. This is data that the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep hidden from the American public for 75 years but were forced by a federal judge to start making available this year. 

A 38-page report included in the documents features an Appendix, “LIST OF ADVERSE EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST,” which lists ...

Lifesite News

All our Premium Resources are free. Simply choose the resource you are interested in and sign up to join our email list so we can send you access to the resource and other relevant information. 

No More Fake News

Jon Rappoport has worked as a free-lance investigative reporter for 30 years.

He has written articles on politics, health, media, culture and art for LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, Village Voice, Nexus, CBS Healthwatch, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe.

Red Voice Media

Red Voice Media is owned and operated by patriots.

The story begins with Ray and Zach building massive 2,000,000+ follower accounts on Facebook in both pro-law enforcement and conservative politics dating back to 2014.

After fighting big tech censorship day after day, we were demonitized and locked out of most of our pages. That wasn’t enough to stop us.


Like David vs. Goliath, Rick Wiles is a citizen reporter who decided to take on the Big News Media. Starting with a $7,500 donation in May 1999 to launch the first radio program, Rick’s faith in God and steadfast determination has overseen the growth and development of TruNews into an internationally recognized source of credible news and information in a world where nothing seems to make sense anymore. 

Women Impacting the Nation

Several years ago, a small group of concerned women, mothers and grandmothers came together in hopes of finding a way to make a difference.  Women Impacting the Nation (aka W.I.N.) was born out of the urgent need for God’s people to work together in love and truth to protect the Judeo-Christian values upon which this country was founded.  Education in truth is our vehicle.   Rumble Station

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