Sex Education Collaborative

Resource Summary: 

(This is a social progressive website that actually has correct information as of 1/4/23)

State Sex Education Policies and Requirements at a Glance

  • Florida schools are not required to teach sex education. However, they are required to teach comprehensive health education that includes instruction on teenage pregnancy.
  • Curriculum is not required to be comprehensive.
  • Curriculum must include the benefits of abstinence as the expected social standard.
  • If a school chooses to teach further instruction on HIV/AIDS, instruction must emphasize the benefits of heterosexual marriage.
  • Curriculum is not required to include instruction on consent.
  • Parents or Guardians may submit a written request to remove their children from instruction on reproductive health or any disease. This is referred to as an “opt-out” policy.(link is external)
  • Florida has no standard regarding medically accurate sex education instruction.