
  • In the Netherlands, where euthanasia has been ‘legal’ for decades, the Dutch Government itself released a 1991 report. It reveals there were over 25,000 cases of euthanasia annually in the Netherlands. And of these more than 25,000 cases in 1991, 14,691 of these cases were by involuntary euthanasia. In other words, the doctor simply killed the patient or allowed the patient to die. Of these nearly 15,000 cases of involuntary euthanasia, “the 4941 cases where lethal overdose of morphine was administered with the patient’s knowledge are listed under the subsection, ‘pain relief’.”
  • “By death with dignity, we don’t only mean the right to death with dignity, but much more, the legally acknowledged right to the complete relief of an unbearable life.” 1920 Germany 'The Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value'. Many parallels to today. SIX STATES OF EUTHANASIA:
    1. As we see in contemporary discussions, Release of the Destruction of Life Devoid of Value starts with a defense of suicide. It claims that man is the “born sovereign of his life”. Yet this statement is a manifestation of euthanasia’s foundational atheism. PROMOTING: Man is not “sovereign of his own life”, but rather, life is a gift of God, our lives are given from God, and God taketh away. The Fifth Commandment says, “Thou Shalt Not Kill.”  
    2. .. that is, delivering a lethal injection that will cause the death that, the authors imply, is going to happen anyway. They even go so far to claim that this is not killing, but a “natural healing”. (Teresa-- another term created to soften kiling as with abortions.) PROMOTING: Man as a “kind helper”
    3. "Relieve suffering” suffering.” They may try to sound “humane,”  but they advocate suicide and murder. PROMOTING- “ends justifies the means” rational.​ 
    4. Dr. Binding proceeds from advocating voluntary euthanasia to enforced euthanasia. Binding insists that “granting death with dignity is not dependent on the consent of the tortured sick person.” PROMOTING: Death without consent
    5. From there we move to advocate taking the life of “incurable idiots – no matter if they have been born [this way] or if they have become like one at the last stage of their suffering”.PROMOTES- Incurable therefore no need for them to live.
    6. The economic motive: it is too expensive to keep these hopelessly ill, these incurable idiots, these useless eaters alive, so it is best to terminate them – with or without their consent. PROMOTES- Putting a value on human life. 
  • On February 13, 2014, once-Catholic Belgium became the first country on earth to approve of euthanasia for children of all ages. LifesiteNews reported: “The law extends to those under the age of 18 who request euthanasia with parental consent.
  • Legalized” euthanasia and “assisted suicide” must be resisted, not only because of the sinfulness of willful murder, but because such practices open the door to multiple abuses, and undermine the patient’s trust in his doctor.
  • Trends of euthanasia and assisted suicide. More and more we will see doctors carry out the execution of patients who could have survived their illness with a little more treatment, but are instead condemned to die. It is already becoming the trend.
    • It undermines the trust in the doctor-patient relationship;
    •  Patients will be less than honest about their illness if they fear it might cost them their lives;
    •  There is the risk of mistaken diagnoses; 
    • There is the risk of coercion – pressure placed on the terminally ill to hasten their own death; 
    • There is the immediate danger for the frail, disabled and those unable to pay for medical care;
    • There is the risk that the more it becomes socially acceptable, people will just opt for suicide, even for depression or in the early stages of an illness.
  • Euthanasia and “assisted suicide” are against both natural and Divine Law. We have to remember the basic truth that suicide is a mortal sin. Assisting someone to commit suicide is a mortal sin on the part of both parties; allowing someone to die when the death can be prevented through ordinary means is a mortal sin. And mortal sins condemn us to hell.

The New Paganism and the War on Life     The “Right to Die” has become the “Duty to Die”.