
Website Title Resource Summary
2019 Medical Use of Marijuana

Basically limits daily dose amounts & THC content.  Moved in House but seems to be 'laid' on the table in the Senate.

Locally, Rep. Ben Diamond voted against this bill.

Basically limits daily dose amounts & THC content.  Moved in House but seems to be 'laid' on the table in the Senate.

Locally, Rep. Ben Diamond voted against this bill.

Know the Facts: 2022 The cost of legalizing marijuana 2022 Candidate, Marijuana
Making Heroes out of Dope Dealers & Stoners

Marijuana trafficking and drug-money laundering are still illegal under federal law. The Heroes act would change that by incorporating a version of the so-called Safe Banking Act (HR 1595) into the legislation.

Voting, Marijuana, Biden, Safe Banking
Marijuana-Opioid Connection
The Marijuana-Opioid Connection
Abortion, Pregnancy, Study, Marijuana, Opioid
Minardi-Link to bio and additional information

For more information on the dangers of Marijuana: 


Minardi, Marijuana, 2022 Candidate
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